Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer

Leading Brand for Effluent Treatment & Wastewater Treatment Plant in India from Greater Noida, Delhi.
All About ETP Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer

Netsol Water is India’s best and fastest-growing company in the field of Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer. Our world-class technology and more modern membrane processes help the end-user best solution for sewage. Our quality ETP Plant follows all the norms and regulations as directed by CPCB / SPCB.

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) may be a process design for treating the. industrial wastewater for its reuse or safe disposal to the environment. Effluent is waste aside from waste from kitchens or toilets, surface water, or domestic sewage. It is often produced and discharged by any industrial or commercial premises.

Effluent is generated in many manufacturing industries like textile, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, tanneries, etc. Contaminated water can’t be released without treatment because it contains toxic and non-toxic chemicals. Releasing it’s going to cause contamination of the prevailing pure water and can affect the environment. As a result, ETP’s are installed in most manufacturing industries.

The Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are used for the removal of high amounts of organic compounds, debris, dirt, grit, pollution, toxic, non-toxic materials and polymers, etc. from industrial effluent. The ETP plants use evaporation and drying methods and other auxiliary techniques like centrifuging, filtration, incineration for chemical processing and effluent treatment.

ETP Plant Operation

1. Screen Chamber:-
This chamber removes relatively large solids to avoid abrasion of mechanical equipment and clogging of mechanism.
2. Collection Tank:-
The collection tank collects the effluent water from the screening chamber, stores then pumps it to the equalization tank.
3. Equalization Tank:-
The effluents don’t have similar concentrations in the least time; the pH will vary from time to time.
Effluents are stored for up to eight to 12 hours in an equalization tank leading to the homogenous mixing of effluents and helping in neutralization.
Continuous mixing also eliminates the settling of solids within the equalization tank.
Reduces SS, TSS.
4. Flash mixer:- Coagulants are added to the effluents:
Lime:(800-1000 ppm) To correct the pH to upto8-9
Alum: (200-300 ppm) to get rid of color
Polyelectrolyte : ( 0.2 ppm) to settle the suspended matters and reduce SS, TSS.
The addition of the above chemicals by efficient rapid mixing facilitates the homogeneous combination of flocculates to supply micro flocs.
5. Clarriflocculator:-
In the clarriflocculator the water is circulated continuously by a stirrer.
Flocculation provides slow mixing that results in the formation of macro flocs, which then settles within the clarifier zone. Overflowing water goes bent the aeration tank.
The solid particles calm down, and are collected separately; this reduces SS, TSS.
The settled solids i.e. primary sludge are pumped into sludge drying beds.
6. Aeration Tank:-
The effluent after clarification flows to an aeration tank for aerobic treatment.
This tank is provided with air blowers or diffusers using which air is skilled the tank.
This air is required to take care of the specified dissolved oxygen (DO) level required for bacteria to grow and take away BOD and COD by breaking down the matter.
BOD and COD values of effluent are reduced up to 90%.
7. Secondary Clarifier:-
The overflow from the aeration tank is led into the secondary clarifier where solid-liquid separation takes place.
The settled solids in the secondary clarifier are called biological sludge, a neighborhood of which is recycled back to the aeration tank to take care of the specified MLSS level, and the remaining sludge is conveyed to the sludge collection tank for further treatment. The outlet water quality is checked if it’s within the accepted. The treated water is disposed of through pipelines.
8. Sludge Thickener:-
The inlet sludge consists of 60% water + 40% solids.
The effluent is skilled as a centrifuge. Due to centrifugal action, the solids and liquids are separated. The sludge thickener reduces the water content within the effluent to 40% water + 60% solids. The effluent is then reprocessed and therefore the sludge is collected at rock bottom.
9. Drying Beds:-
Primary and secondary sludge is dried on the drying beds to further reduce the water content.

Effluent Treatment Plant working  Principle

The principle of operation of ETP is Physico-Chemical treatment followed by Polishing Treatments like –Sand Filtration, activated carbon treatment (Adsorption), Ozonisation (Chemical Oxidation), Ultra Filtration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO), and evaporation (If required).

1. ETP Containerised Type

Capacity: 25 – 150 KLD, As per client Requirement
Technology : Physical / Chemical / Biological / Ufiltration
Features :

  • Semi-automatic Operation.
  • Required less space as compared to the standard design.
  • Very Compact and Great aesthetic.
  • Reduced Installation and commissioning time on site.
  • Plug and play operation.
  • Easy Dismantling and transportation.
  • Made to order product.

Civil Work – Collection Tank and Container Foundation.
Typical Industries: Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Automobiles, etc.

2. ETP Containerised Type

ETP – Continuous Type
Capacity: 15 to 1000 KLD, As per client Requirement
Treatment : Physical / Chemical / Filtration
Features :

  • Semi-automatic Operation.
  • MS process tanks with internal FRP Coating
  • Automatic chemical dosing with online pH monitoring.
  • Advanced Filtration systems like UF, RO for Zero liquid discharge.
  • Advanced sludge handling system.
  • The compact design required low footprint
  • Better treated effluent quality as compared to the standard system.
  • Corrosion-free UPVC piping & FRP / Epoxy Lined MS tanks.

Process Tanks – MS Fabricated / Civil (RCC)
Typical Industries: Automobile, Metal pre-treatment, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, etc.

3. Packaged ETP with shed

CETP Chemical, Biological Type
This type is named combined Effluent Treatment plant – either batch or continuous type. The chemically-treated effluent will cause biological treatment for the removal of organic matter and regulate the TDS values.
Capacity : 25 to 1000 KLD, As per client Requirement. Treatment : Physical / Chemical / Biological / Filtration

Features :

  • Semi-automatic Operation.
  • MS process tanks with internal FRP Coating
  • Automatic chemical dosing with online pH monitoring.
  • Advanced Filtration systems like UF, RO for Zero liquid discharge.
  • Advanced sludge handling system.
  • The compact design required low footprint
  • Better treated effluent quality as compared to the standard system.
  • Corrosion-free UPVC piping & FRP/Epoxy Lined MS tanks.

Process Tanks – MS Fabricated / Civil (RCC)
Typical Industries: Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Paint, Textile, Sugar.

4. Packaged ETP with shed

ETP – Batch Type (Compact Modular)
Capacity: 1.0 to 5 KLD
Technology : Physical / Chemical / Filtration
Features :

  • Very cost-effective: Less initial Investment.

Types: Batch
Atomization: Manual, Semi-automatic, and Fully-automatic.
Compact and proven design: Required very Low footprint.
Quality Components and Mounting items: Special sludge pump and total corrosion-free UPVC piping & FRP/Epoxy Lined MS tanks.
Water Recycle: Recycling of treated is feasible with advanced treatment methodologies like UF and RO.

Operation and maintenance: Very silent operational and any person can operate it, after proper training.
Typical Industries: Metal pre-treatment, Chemical, etc.

Where to Buy

Best Quality Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer

When you are going to buy or thinking about buying ETP Plant, the very first question came into your mind is where and how to best wastewater treatment plant, Who is the best Manufacturer of ETP Plant. For this problem, we suggest Netsol Water Solutions, one of the best companies in India with having its corporate office in Greater Noida the best Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Delhi, Noida, India.

Global Reach

A vast network of its global reach and global clients.

Best Technology

Having Internationally approved technology for the best solutions.

Research Unit

With its own research unit, it provides the best solution to every problem of wastewater and upgrading its technology for zero discharge.

Get the Best STP Solution


For the world-class sewage treatment solution just download the product list with a detailed description or call us on +91-9650608473

Netsol Water


Plot No. 164,
Udyog Vihar Extension,
Surajpur, Greater Noida,
Uttar Pradesh 201306
+ 91-9650608473




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