water plants Archives - Water Treatment Plants


Water-scarcity leading to water crisis is not atypical , even in countries with ample water resources . It is obvious that climate-change , together with human factors , is increasingly depriving humans specifically children  of their right  and not only children but all animals to have  access to safe water and sanitation . This may be because of a number of issues , such as crumbling infrastructure and distribution systems , contamination , conflict, or scanty management of water resources . So lets discuss about the what are the various kinds of water crisis.

Women and children suffer more from insufficient water because they are frequently the ones who must collect it. Water must be collected more carefully with greater care when it is farther away, which frequently translates to fewer hours spent in class with more time in collecting it. The crisis of water in schools has an influence on enrollment, attendance, and performance, especially for girls. Long distance traveled carrying water is quite strenuous and can put kids in danger or be used against them by the exploiters.

Access to clean water for drinking and  performing basic hygiene at home , in schools , and in healthcare facilities is hampered by a lack of water .  Water -in-crisis can cause sewage systems to malfunction and increases the risk of getting diseases like cholera . Water that is hard  to obtain also costs more that leads to water crisis in economic terms .

Due to this water crisis, the world is facing many drawbacks like :

  1. For at least one month every year, four billion people—nearly two-thirds of the world’s population —experience severe water crisis .
  2. More than two billion people reside in nations with insufficient water supplies .
  3. By as early as 2025, half of the world’s population may reside in regions with scarce water supplies .
  4. By 2030 , severe water scarcity may force 700 million people to relocate.
  5. Around 1 in 4 children globally will reside in locations with extremely high water stress by the year 2040 .

Also, Many nations and large cities across the world , both wealthy and poor, experienced escalating water crisis in the twenty-first century due to the problems of population expansion , profligate consumption , rising pollution , and changes in weather patterns related to global warming.

Water treatment plants is best water treatment plants manufacturer in all over india.

Defining Water Footprint : Each and everything that we eat , buy , sell, or wear anything daily , weekly , or anytime, is needed water for the manufacturing of it.

Footprint of water defines the measurement of the amount of water utilized to create/manufacture each of the commodities including the services as well whether it is for crop cultivation , textile industries , or the fuels or any infrastructure.

India’s  water footprint , is 980 cu. meters per person , which  is lower than the 1243 cu. meter average for the world . India constitute about 12 per cent of the global water footprint .What are the various kinds of water crisis.

Water scarcity comes in two types :

Physical Water Crisis

Demand in a region exceeding the territory’s limited water supply is what causes physical or absolute water scarcity. Around 1.2 billion people, mostly residing in areas belonging to arid or semi-arid regions, actually live in areas of physical scarcity, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. As populations rise and weather patterns become more unpredictable as a result of climate change, more people are anticipated to be affected by this type of water scarcity.

Economic Water Crisis

The main causes of this type of water scarcity are either a widespread absence of water infrastructure or inadequate management of water resources in areas where infrastructure is present. And approx. more than 1.6 billion people , according to Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) estimate , have an economic water-crisis . Uncontrolled water utilisation for agriculture and industry at the expense of the general populace  can also lead to economic water-scarcity .

So when we are talk about what are the various kinds of water crisis these are the two main water crisis.

Technological Advancement for the Tackling the problems of Water Scarcity :

With classical engineering , many water scarcity  issues may be solved , frequently with quick results . Infrastructure repair is one of the most obvious solutions . The problems is in infrastructural repairs which include figuring out how to reduce installation/setting-up , and maintenance costs , specifically in less developed nations , and devising engineering solutions that are environment- friendly and also, address the effects of climatic change .

A crucial solution is the advancement of irrigation technologies. According to data from the Indian government, agriculture uses 70% of all freshwater resources. Flooding technique or surface-irrigation is the primary mechanism of irrigation in most of the agricultural lands. Flooding, on the other hand, often drowns fields with more water than what crops need, and a significant amount of water is lost to evaporation or during conveyance from the source. Reduced inefficient water usage in agriculture can be achieved by educating farmers about potential water loss from such practices, establishing precise water-use reduction objectives, and funding irrigation system upgrades and water-conservation technologies.

In places having access to brackish groundwater or seawater, desalination has been suggested as a solution to the problem of water scarcity. In fact, in a number of heavily populated dry countries, like Saudi Arabia, desalted water is already a major source of municipal water supply. Existing desalination technology costs a lot of money since it uses a lot of energy, typically in the form of fossil fuels. This is why it is typically only utilized in places where there are no viable alternatives for procuring fresh water. Desalination facilities produce large amounts of brine effluent and greenhouse gas emissions, which present serious environmental problems.

And for the mentioned challenges, Commercial RO plant set-up are revolutionizing the sustainability of water in these regions which causes less or almost no emissions procuring clean water that in turn causing less harm to the environment .

Different Plants Used For Water

Industrial RO plant (a type of commercial RO plant) is a kind of reverse – osmosis(RO) plant that  eliminates  the water  and  salts from the wastewater . This is then transferred  off to a treatment plant for additional treatment . The membranes in a Industrial-commercial RO plant  should be sup-planted or replaced every 3 years . The plants are  fueled by a mix of power and natural  gas helps in making environment ecologically safer .

In cities or towns where the population is expanding and water supplies are constrained, wastewater can be a useful resource. Reusing wastewater can enhance the quality of streams and lakes by lowering the amount of polluting effluent discharges that they receive, which also lessens the demand on the scarce freshwater resources. Wastewater can be recovered and utilized again for irrigation of gardens and crops, groundwater recharging, or leisure activities. Technically, reclamation for drinking or domestic use is feasible, but there is strong public opposition to this reuse. Water recycling facilities including water treatment plants are being built in a growing number of towns throughout the world.

At the End:

Water treatment plants includes two types of plants, one is Sewage Treatment Plant which are being operated for the treatment of waste water coming from domestic sewages from kitchen , sinks , restaurants , schools etc. Whereas, the Effluent treatment Plants are the water treatment plant system which are operated for the treatment of waste water coming from the effluents of various industrial ventures which contains harmful heavy metals , toxins , poisonous liquids etc.

Netsol Water is the most reliable firm that offers a wide ranges of products set up , like commercial RO plant , Industrial RO plant , ETP , STP , etc., to meet the requirements of the problems arising because of Water scarcity in Water crises. So when we talk about what are the various kinds of water crisis. These are main water crisis.


Water-scarcity leading to water crisis is not a typical , even in countries with ample water resources . It is obvious that climate-change , together with human factors , is increasingly depriving humans specifically children  of their right  and not only children but all animals to have  access to safe water and sanitation . This may be because of a number of issues , such as crumbling infrastructure and distribution systems , contamination , conflict, or scanty management of water resources . So now can discuss how india is solving its water crisis.

Due to this water -crisis , even the whole world could be facing many drawbacks in coming years like :

  • For at least one month every year, four billion people—nearly two-thirds(2/3rd) of the world’s population —experience severe water crisis .
  • More than 2 billion people residing in those nations where they are living insufficient water supplies .
  • By as early as 2025 , half of the world’s population may reside in regions with scarce water supplies .
  • By 2030 , severe water scarcity may force 700 million people to relocate .
  • Around 1 in every 4 children globally will reside in locations with extremely high water stress by the year 2040 .

Also, Many nations & large cities across the world , both wealthy & poor , experienced escalating water crisis in the twenty-first century due to the problems of population expansion , profligate consumption , rising pollution , & changes in weather patterns related to global warming.

Coming to water crisis in India, we all must be aware that Water is the driving- force behind all life on this planet . India contains ~4% of the world’s water resources , yet it became water-stressed from the year 2011 . According to a 2018 NITI Aayog study , India is experiencing the most severe water crisis/water scarce in its history , with about 600 million people without  having proper access to clean water. According to the analysis , 21 cities , including Bangalore, Delhi , Hyderabad, and Chennai, probably depleted their groundwater resources during 2021 .

Water treatment plants is best provider of water plants like sewage treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, commercial ro plants, industrial ro plants.

Agriculture is the India’s largest consumer of water stock . Groundwater resources meet 80-90 percent of drinking water demands in rural India. The GroundWater levels in India fell more than 60 per cent between 2007-2017, with over 90 per cent of the extracted water being utilized in agriculture which is a worrying matter . According to an independent research by the Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation in 2014 , rain-fed agriculture accounts for 70 per cent of all farmland in India. Despite this , 65 percent of the total rainfall is lost to the sea. Water contamination is another form of water stress, resulting in health-care collateral losses. Cities house 36 percent of India’s population yet are responsible for 70% of water pollution.

There is an urgent need/requirements to address the management of Water in India because:

  • Because water distribution is unequal, significant regions of India continue to be poor in both rainwater & groundwater.
  • Because of the uneven distribution of water around the country , the majority of the population faces water-shortage.
  • The demand for water in cities exceeds the supply. Furthermore , conserving water will assure the supply of clean water for future generations. This may be accomplished by ensuring that an ecosystem’s freshwater use does not exceed its natural rate of replenishment.
  • Water is necessary to irrigate crops in India since rainfall is mainly seasonal . Water safeguards the environment & wildlife.
  • Additionally, saving water saves energy. That example , by adopting water and energy-efficient smart appliances, one can help cut water use while also saving electricity.
  • Less intake of water keeps more water in the ecosystem & aids in protecting wetland habitats for plants , wildlife , & aquatic life. It is especially significant during the dry weather seasons .

Other Reasons:

  • The extraction of fresh water from ice-bergs has expanded dramatically in recent years. Water consumption has increased significantly , with the increase in the requirement for water-based power generation .
  • According to a report titled ” Composite Water Management Index(CWMI) ” published by NITI Aayog in June 2018 , India was experiencing the worst water- crisis in its history ; nearly 600 million people were experiencing high to extreme water stress/crisis ; & approx. 200,000 people lost their lives each year due to insufficient access to safe water .
  • According the findings of the research, India was ranked 120th out of 122 nations in the water quality index, with roughly 70% of the water being polluted.
  • It predicted that by 2030, the country’s water demand will be double the present supply, suggesting acute shortages for hundreds of millions of people and a loss in GDP.
  • According to the most current Central Ground Water Board statistics (from 2017), 256 of India’s 700 districts indicated ‘critical’ or ‘over-exploited’ groundwater levels.
  • India has surpassed the United States as the world’s largest extractor of groundwater, accounting for 25% of the total. 70% of our water sources are poisoned, and our major rivers are dying as a result of pollution.

The factors of how india is solving its water crisis With the advancement of technologies humans have moved forward with modern technologies rather than using the traditional ones, few of the modern world water management techniques can be postulated as follows :

Rainwater Harvesting :

Rainwater collection is an extremely effective way of saving natural water and recharging groundwater levels. It is collected and allowed to percolate into a deep pit or reservoir in this technique of water conservation, where it seeps down and increases the groundwater table.

Water Metering :

Installing water meters and measuring the quantity of water used in residential & business facilities is another effective means of reducing water waste.

The volume of water consumed is computed & charged in accordance with the water price. One must always keep his/her eye on your water bills for excessive-high consumption. It aids/supports in the detection & determining any kind of leaks.

Grey Water Recycling :

Grey-water recycling is a way of collecting used & waste water from kitchen sinks, washing machines, & showers & recycling it for use in toilets, watering plants, & other applications. Greywater , when comparing to rainfall harvesting, is abundant in volume .

Environmentalists have proved that using this recycling technology has cut home water usage by over 70 per cent.

Pressure Reducing Valves :

A pressure-lowering valve, in essence , regulates the amount of pressure in a hydraulic system. These valves guarantee that a predetermined level of water is utilized.

As a result, downstream water system components last longer & water usage is lowered. This is an extremely effective water-saving solution for industrial , residential, commercial, & institutional buildings .

Water Efficient Accessories :

The commercial market is overpopulated with water-efficient toilet tanks or green toilets , faucets , & innovative shower heads that helps in reducing water utilization by up to 60%.

Changes in water droplets falling patterns in taps & showers, as well as greater flushing pressure in toilets/water closets, are pushing the perimeters of water conservation without disturbing consumption habits.

Reverse Osmosis(RO) Systems :

Desalination process is an efficient technique in treating the sea-water to secure pure potable water and is adopted in the countries where there are less or no fresh water sources like the Middle-East countries specifically. Desalination is a very efficient method of extracting fresh water from brackish salty water but their cost of set-up and products becomes very high because of which they are not prevalent right now.

But the process of Reverse Osmosis (RO) on the other hand, has revolutionized the world with water sustainability. Reverse Osmosis(RO) is a influential, most convincing , most trusted, and a well demonstrated innovation in the world of water which is able to deliver water that is appropriate for the majority modern applications, domestic & commercial along with industrial purposes that require demineralized or deionized , purest form of water.

Reverse Osmosis(RO) currently being the most reliable, cost effective, & accepted technology all around the industries of the world for cleaning water.

From all these discussion, we can conclude that water is very crucial to every creature living on this planet. Water being a finite resource must treat it in a sustainable way as a resource not as a commodity.How india is solving its water crisis you read all information about it.

Netsol Water is an industrial venture leading in the manufacturing of best quality of water treatment facilities such as WTP, WWTP, commercial RO plants , ozonation system etc,. to provide their consumers the deserving quality of life by getting the desired and best grade of water to be utilized for drinking , bakeries , and other various commercial and industrial requirements. So these are the factors where we can say that how india is solving its water crisis.


As we already know how essential water is to the Human Beings & not only that their each & every requirement of the throughout their body is met with water. For a healthy life with a proper balanced diet, water plays a very crucial role because most the chemical biological & physical processes within our human body takes place with the help & support of water. There’s a Hindi idioms especially focusing on the importance of water that is : “Jal hi Jeevan hai” which translates “Water is Life!” . So, it is really true without water no creature on earth can survive for long. So lets discuss how does drinking water affect humans.

Human Body is made up of almost water ranging from 50 percent to 80 percent, all these amount of water is utilized for various chemical process like absorption of various nutrients , digestion , assimilation , mobilization that is human movements , human excretion process and lastly to maintain the temperature of the body accordingly.

Importance of water in human body

The body is not able to function effectively if it does not have  sufficient amount of fluid(which is termed as dehydration). People who are not drinking enough water each day are more susceptible to developing kidney stones , heart -valve issues(heart artery blockage) , & maybe several types of cancer. Even a little dehydration can impact physical & mental function .

Water treatment plants is the best water treatment plant providers in all over the india.

Drinking potable water is of utmost importance to our mouth’s buccal cavity. Potable Water in most of the regions in India contains fluoride ions, which is good for a healthy teeth. This fluoride being an important ingredient in water has the ability to protect teeth against tooth decay. But one thing should be kept in mind that whatever comes with an advantage also possess disadvantage too with it, excess of fluoride is not good because it can also damage teeth . Excess of fluoride mostly leads to a condition known as Fluorosis.  Water is required in the mouth to produce saliva which in turn converted to simple compound that is salivary amylase which helps in the break-down of complex food substances that we take in as Food by tasting, chewing , swallowing and digesting them inside followed by assimilation.

Intake amount of Water in the Human Body as per daily need! 

The amount of water that should be consumed varies substantially from person to person . It is determined by your specific metabolism , the temperature, what you consume, your age , & whether or not you have a medical condition. Water consumption is crucial, especially for youngsters & the elderly.

One-fifth of our water requirements are met by meals we take in , with the remainder portion which is met by drinking fluids . The body eliminates water throughout the day via breathing, sweating , & going to the wash-room for loo .

Mostly an Adult Men require around 10 glasses of fluids(specifically potable water) per day , while women require approximately 8 glasses of water(plus an extra glass of water per day if pregnant or nursing). Babies require 0.7 – 0.8 litres of fluid per day from breast milk or formula , while youngsters requires 4 glasses(for one-year-olders) to 6 to 8 glasses per day(for teens) . A single glass of water in India is comparable to approx. 300ml.

Water can be acquired through a variety of fluids , including tea & coffee, fruit juice , & soft drinks. However, be cautious about how much of them you consume because they can cause weight gain , tooth damage , & an undesired stimulant impact.

If we don’t drink enough water throughout the day there can be many signs that may alarm you that your body needs to drink more water to be hydrated enough to be protected from various ailments related to de-hydration.

The signs & symptoms that alert you to drink more fluids into your body :

  • Tiredness
  • Loss of Apetite with light headedness
  • Irritability
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Fainting
  • Dark Yellow Urine.

At the end of day , one needs to get hydrated to remain in an active mode throughout the day so as to keep the ailments away from you and continue the chemical processes occurring inside the body. So these are the reasons where we can say that how does drinking water affect humans.

Netsol Water is an industrial venture leading in the manufacturing of best quality of water treatment facilities such as WTP, WWTP, commercial RO plants , ozonation system etc,. to provide their consumers the deserving quality of life by getting the desired and best grade of water to be utilized for drinking , bakeries , and other various commercial and industrial requirements.


While we discuss in details about the most common methods of water treatment, let’s discuss about the basics of Water treatment first, then its objectives along with advantages/benefits.

Water Treatment Process :

Water treatment is the process of increasing the quality of water with the goal of serving an end-use. The most popular end-uses include drinking water, industrial water supply, water recreation, and replenishing natural sources such as rivers and lakes.

Humans and not only humans but every creature on Earth desires to have clean water in every day of their lives. As the human population is expanding itself, so does the need for water. Because water is a limited resource, already utilized water must be treated before it is able to continue to serve end-users. This is when water purification/treatment systems come to the rescue.

These water treatment in the water treatment plants can treat water while removing impurities of the types: Suspended particles of sizes larger then 10-3 millimetres(mm) , Colloidal particles of sizes varying in the range of 10-3 to 10-6 millimetres(mm) , and the dissolved impurities of sizes less than 10-6 millimetres(mm) .

Water treatment plant is provide best water plants like sewage treatment plant, commercial ro plant, industrial ro plant.

The following are the primary goals/objectives of the water treatment process :

  • The water treatment processes intends to bring down the concentration of pollutants in water to a level that is acceptable for human consumption & poses no health hazards.
  • Another primary objective of water treatment is to reduce the presence of undesirable constituents in the water supply such as color, odor, turbidity, and hardness.
  • The major purpose of the water treatment procedure is to make drinking water and other household applications safe.
  • Water treatment also aims to remove the corrosive character of water , which can cause damage to pipelines and other infrastructure.
  • Lastly , water treatment ensures that water fulfills particular quality criteria, making it appropriate for different industrial purposes such as steam generation and drying.

Following Water treatment process involves three main phases of treatment that is Primary Phase, Secondary Phase and Tertiary Phase. These three phases are furthermore divided into sub categories accordingly to the common methods utilized in the water treatment. Let’s dive into the details of them .

Primary Treatment of Water:

The separation of solids or sediments from water is commonly referred to as sedimentation. Gravity causes the flocs, which are now heavier , to settle toward the bottom of the basin.

Process of Filtration :

The pure water is now passed through pores of varying diameters , which eliminate any additional particles present. This step separates sand , gravel, dust, & even pathogens. The filter is then back-washed regularly. In addition , reverse osmosis(RO) & ultra-filtration(UF) are utilized to purify the water.

Utilizing Activated carbons as an adsorbents , can also be employed. They have the ability to separate unwanted color , removing odor , & maintaining taste from the reclaimed water .

Secondary treatment of waste water :

This Secondary phase includes Secondary level water treatment that involves the removal of bio-degradable organic matter (BOD) and suspended particles.

Tertiary Phase of water treatment process :

Water-treatment at the tertiary phase is a mix of physical & chemical treatments, including disinfection and filtration. Furthermore, biological nutrient removal , nitrogen, & phosphorous removal, and so on are employed as part of tertiary water treatment.

Process involving Coagulation :

Coagulants are chemicals that are added to water to counteract the negative charge of dissolved particles. Alum and iron are two examples of coagulants. Unfortunately , when the coagulants are introduced, the water swiftly combines . As a result , the particles get heavy and settle to the bottom of the pool.

Process of Flocculation :

To help in the coagulation process, the water is directed into a flocculation basin. The size of the flocs is increased here to aid in settling. A flocculant may also be added to the water to help in this process. Slow paddle mixers inside the flocculation basin aid in particle collision.

Process of Disinfection :

To keep the water treatment plant running, a disinfectant or many disinfectants might be added to the water. Chlorine or chlorine dioxide, for example, can be used to destroy bacteria or viruses that may still be present in the water. UV radiation is also used by certain plants to sterilize the water.

Benefits of having water treated via water treatment process :
  • Water treatment provide stake-holders & consumers with clean & safe drinking water.
  • Restore the cleanliness & nutrients from the contaminated water .
  • Water re-use can help to reduce pollution overall .
  • Many illnesses are commonly spread by contaminated water . Utilizing the purified water can help prevent contamination furthermore .
  • Instead of buying purified added mineral water , it’s more economical to treat existing water .

If you are exploring and searching for a commercial RO plant, any types of water treatment plants like an Industrial RO plant (which is a sub-type of commercial RO plant), WTPs , ETPs, STPs , then Netsol Water is the best company for the manufacturing of these .  The most reliable the most trusted manufacturer and a  consultancy venture NetSol Water provides a grand solution for almost most of  the problems regarding water , and waste water treatments and their respective working plants . So you know now what are the most common methods of water treatment.

Netsol Water


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